A matatu driver narrowly escaped a trap set by a team of law enforcement officers, including detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), in a thrilling incident on the Migori-Kisii Highway.
The police got a tip from the public about a gang possibly transporting drugs in a matatu along with three other vehicles, two Proboxes, and a Toyota Hiace.
Working with Gesonso Police Station officers, the DCI team tracked the four vehicles. When they found a suitable spot to ambush, they ordered the suspects to stop, but they didn't obey.
A high-speed chase followed along the highway, with the officers trying to stop the suspects about four kilometers from the station.
Realizing the police were getting closer, one Probox driver sped off in a different direction to escape, but the police fired two shots to deflate the tires.
The driver abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot, leaving behind bloodstains on the driver's seat, suggesting they were injured during the chase. However, one suspect was caught, and police found Ksh30,000 believed to be from criminal activities.
Meanwhile, the chase involving the matatu and two other vehicles intensified as the officers tried to lure them towards the nearest police station.
The matatu driver tried to outsmart the police by going in different directions, eventually abandoning the vehicles a few kilometers away.A search revealed Ksh37.5 million worth of marijuana in the matatu and reflective number plates hidden behind the driver's seat.