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Twins who scored 343 and 287 marks in KCPE unable to join form one as grandmother fails to raise fees

 Gift Wambua and Joyce Mumbe, who live in Shauri Moyo in Shimba Hills, Kwale County, feel lonely when they see other kids going to school every day. They can't go to school because their family doesn't have enough money.

Even though they did well in their exams, Gift got 343 marks and Joyce got 287 marks, they couldn't start secondary school in January. The problem was their family couldn't afford the expensive fees and other costs for Shimo La Tewa and Kaya Tiwi secondary schools.

Gift dreams of becoming an engineer, and Joyce wants to be a doctor. But they feel sad seeing their friends going to school while they stay at home.

They live with their grandmother, who doesn't have a job, while their mother works in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes they don't have enough food to eat.

But every day, they help their grandmother with chores, even though they feel sad about their dreams not coming true.

Joyce believes that education can change their lives for the better, no matter how long it takes. She remains hopeful and strong.

Their grandmother, Miriam Mumbe, wants the best education for them. She wishes their father hadn't left, but she knows education can help them escape poverty.

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