The auctioneer managing the sale of properties owned by former Kesses MP Swarup Mishra said they are selling his properties because he owes Ksh350 million.
The auctioneer said Mishra borrowed money from different banks but didn't pay it back. They're currently selling four properties, but they plan to auction 14 more properties soon.
"We think the properties we're selling now will cover the Ksh350 million debt," the auctioneer said. "One property is a 350-acre land with a school and other things."They also plan to auction Mishra's hospitals because he owes so much money.
The properties being auctioned now are in Uasin Gishu County. Two are in Elgon View-Greenvale Area, one in Blossom Area, one in Kiambaa-Kesses Division, and one in Ngeria Centre.
The auctioneer told interested buyers to check the properties themselves because they don't guarantee anything. They also have to pay Ksh100,000 to get a bidding number, which they'll get back if they don't buy anything.
Mishra was MP for Kesses from 2017 to 2022 when he lost to Julius Ruto. He said he lost because he didn't join the United Democratic Alliance (UDA), which won most seats in the area. He apologized to his community for not joining UDA.